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APP 228 Course Proposal

Instructors Name:

Course Title:

Course Category

Anticipated Credit Hours (Rate is 15 "seat hours" per credit hour):

Course Description:

Course Projects/Assignments (include description of online components):

Class Size Cap:

Number of Anticpated Class Meetings (include hours per class meeting):

Required Materials/Texts and Estimated Costs for Each (please list:)

Anticipated Start Date for Course:


Which ISBE professional development descriptors will your course meet? (check all that apply)

Increase the knowledge and skills of school and district leaders who guide continuous professional development

Improve the learning of students

Organize adults into learning communities whose goals are aligned with those of the school and district.

Deepen educators' content knowledge

Provide educators with research-based instructional strategies to assist students in meeting rigourous acadmeic standards.

Use learning strategies appropriate to the intended goals

Provide educators with the knowledge and skills to collaborate



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